City Council
MEETING DATE: 2/24/2016
Mitigated Negative Declaration and CUP 16-001 for City of Cathedral City Capital Improvement Project No. 7015, Construction of the Whitewater Bike Path.
John A. Corella, P.E. City Engineer
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Whitewater River Bike Path Project and approve Conditional Use Permit 16-001.
The project proposes the construction of a 16?-foot wide concrete bike and pedestrian path along the top of the existing western levee of the Whitewater River between Vista Chino on the north and Ramon Road on the south for a total distance of 2.5? miles. At the Ramon Road terminus, the proposed bike path will continue west along the north side of Ramon Road for approximately 0.22 miles to Crossley Road, where it will end. The northern portion of the proposed bike path will be located within the Palm Springs city limits and the City of Palm Springs has agreed to act as a Responsible Agency under CEQA.
Once the environmental and CUP review process is completed, the City will complete the final design and engineering needed to construct the improvements. It is anticipated that construction will commence later this year.
An Initial Study was completed in accordance with the City's Guidelines implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. The Initial Study was undertaken for the purpose of deciding whether the project may have a significant effect on the environment. This Initial Study determined that development of the project would not have a significant impact on the environment, with the implementation of the mitigation measures proposed in Table 1. On the basis of the Initial Study, City Staff has concluded that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, and has therefore prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration.
The Ini...
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